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Automate to Rapidly Prioritize and Quantify Cyber Risk

CyberSecurity Clients

Cyber Security Clients - KDM AnalyticsWho uses our cyber security risk analysis products and services?

Our clients represent a wide range of practices within the cyber security market, each with a different functional scope. Here are a few examples of who is calling on us for cyber security tools and expertise:

C-Suite Executives

In today’s litigious environment, errors and omissions in a product can lead to law suits, company shut downs and even prison terms. Everyone from the Chief Executive Officer on down is at risk. The onus is on the C-suite to prove that it performed, analyzed, and acted appropriately in assessing its cyber security risks and vulnerabilities. A clear understanding of risks is what allows C-suite executives including CEOs, CTOs and CIOs to make informed decisions about the ready state of a product.

Technology Architects

In many instances, the architectural design will have tremendous bearing on the cyber security profile of a product or service. Senior-level designers and technology architects rely on our tools and subject matter expertise to define architectures, processes and policies.

Security Analysts & Consultants

Security consultants rely heavily on our products and services to render cyber security solutions to clients. KDM Analytics products are designed to allow consultants to generate answers to the questions they and their clients seek, and provide solid, repeatable processes to optimize cyber security risk analysis.


Our tools are designed to operate at the developer-workstation level, as part of a larger overall reporting and cataloguing methodology. Whereas a KDM Analytics solution can prove invaluable to a decision maker, the underlying toolkit and databases are equally vital to the creators of today’s leading edge products and services.


The Internet of Things (IoT) has spawned a whole new generation of product and service providers. As is the case with their larger counterparts, cyber security is a make or break issue for these companies. If a company is performing any type of communication using computerized processes, cyber security analysis, interpretation, and management is a must.